Common Developmental Challenges

​Relentless. They’re just relentless.

Day after day, operating on a poor night’s sleep? No fun. Not healthy.

Begging and bribing to get your child to eat? Exhausting.

And, when you let yourself feel the feelings, deeply upsetting.

Toilet training?

So many opinions. How? When? Where?

Sleeping, eating, and toilet training are the classics.

Bathing, toothbrushing, and dressing can be huge battles, too.

And let’s not forget the new generation: electronics!!

Limiting time on social media.

Putting away the iPad to come to dinner, for example. Without a tantrum.

Turning off the cell phone during family time. Learning to talk to people directly rather than text them – when they’re in the same room. Sometimes, you wish you’d never seen a cell phone.

Isn’t this harder than it has to be?

Yes, parents impose many of these challenges on their children.

And that’s okay.

Learning to poop in the toilet is nice for everyone! Society will thank you.

But there’s more to it.


Teaching your child what you know is important.

That’s how their minds develop. It’s how to keep them safe and healthy. It’s how to create a sustainable home life.

These common challenges are where the pedal hits the metal. When you help your child get to the other side of them, you grow their minds, know-how, and self-confidence in the process.

If you feel you are making progress every day, keep going! These things can take time.

But if all your efforts are getting you nowhere –

Don’t wait! Reach out today!

Working together, we’ll get you moving forward again – and give YOU better know-how and confidence in the process.

Let’s do it!